Today we welcomed two new girls into our chook whānau.
Miss Layla and Miss Pipsi are 6 month old Light Sussex hens. Aren’t they beautiful!! (Each named by our daughters 8 & 5)
We’ve only ever had brown shavers before so were pretty impressed with the size of these girls. So much so I had to check their age with the guy we got them from!! I thought they were much older! (Hmmm mental note – when are chickens fully grown? Must look into that).
The new girls went straight into the new coop and had a little time to explore before they headed off inside and perched for the night! Ahhh already so proud of these girls!!
Once dark, hubby and I walked over our old girls from the old coop. We have four girls and have had them for quite some time now…. two brown shavers, another that may be part Rhode Island Red and another that is either full or part Araucana (I’m not sure). We settled them onto the perches and closed the door.
I couldn’t help myself and I had to have a sneaky look a little while later. The Sussex were still perching (right up the top) and the rest of the girls were in the nesting boxes!! Ahhhh cheeky girls!!
I put them on the perches again and said goodnight